The sound of the hand slapping the ball, the clapping from the crowd, the stomping of the feet, and most of all the ball hitting the floor on the opponent’s side. After losing the first set 25-7, BASIS Independent Brooklyn (BIB) made a comeback.
Three-fourths of the way into the second set, Charlotte M. delivered two groundbreaking serves–both of them aces. After a British International School netball and Charlotte J’s fantastic serves, BIB w

on the second set 25-23!
Before the third set, the players huddled to plan the final tie-breaker. This is the equalizer–whoever wins
takes the glory with them.
Mira A. started off with 2 great serves, and the team set the score to 2-1. Some other highlights: Dalya B’s smooth overhand directly hit the opponents’ floor, and Yuna S’s serves helped bring the team to 9-10. BIB cemented their victory with an amazing serve from Dalya!