I’m not crying for now

I’m not crying for now
But that won’t always be the case.
You are so much more than one memory.
You are so much more than a day.
Instead I think of you when I read Vonnegut,
Or when I talk about Freud or Piaget.
I’ve started using mushrooms in my lasagna
As you recommended, by the way.
I’m sad when I think about how you are missing:
At graduations, reunions, Earth Day,
Those seniors won’t have the pleasure
Of you reviewing their college essays,
Sometimes when I think of a student
Whose sadness you would’ve better allayed
I don’t know if you realized
How much you were a mainstay.
I’m not crying for now,
Nor did I cry yesterday,
But we’ll see what happens when I’m
Inevitably reminded of you one day.