Together We Can Reform

Together We Can Reform

Eric C.

Whether you see rioters or peaceful protesters, you want to see change. Whether you think this country has racism embedded into its government or not, you want to see a better tomorrow. 

The people chanting “Justice!” in the streets have led the charge and should be allowed to continue peacefully. The ones breaking into stores and damaging private property should be stopped. There is a problem in our country, and I think the ones suffering should get a say in the reforms–not just chants in the streets, but a seat at the table and working together with officials. That is why I made a petition for the most direct approach to getting reform in New York City. 

By signing the petition I created, you show support for the idea that Mayor Bill de Blasio should have Black Lives Matter leaders come to NYC and sit down together to discuss how to improve the city. If reforms are already underway, then why not maximize the people’s say? Why not work together to get as much reform made as possible. So NYC, take the first step and support my petition at to fight the good fight and win by a mile, rather than a hair.